PAC learning
November 19, 2019
Statistical learning framework
In supervised learning we posses a dataset $S$ of samples $\vect{x}_i$ each one labeled with $\vect{y}_i$:
where each $\vect{x}_i\in\XSet$ and $\vect{y}_i\in\YSet$. Usually the data is prepared such that $\XSet$ is a space of integer or real tensors of certain dimensionality, and $\YSet$ is a space of integer vectors for classification tasks and real vectors for regression tasks. In binary classification tasks $\YSet={0,1}$, in multilabel classification $\YSet={0,1}^k$ with $k$ possible labels, and in multiclass classification $\YSet={0,1}^k$ with only one value equal to $1$ and the rest $0$. The samples $\vect{x}_i$ of a dataset must be drawn from the same unknown distribution $\vect{x}_i\sim\dist{D}$. The relationship between the samples and the labels is defined by an unknown labeling function $f:\XSet\rightarrow\YSet$ such that for each sample $\vect{y}_i=f(\vect{x}_i)$.
A learning algorithm receives as input a training set $S$, and should output a predictor $h_S:\XSet\rightarrow\YSet$ that minimize the prediction error. For a generic predictor $h$, the prediction error is:
where for $A\subset\XSet$, the probability $\dist{D}$ assign a likelihood $\dist{D}(A)$ of observing a value $\vect{x}\in A$. Given that both $\dist{D}$ and $f$ are unknown, to find $h_S$ the learning algorithm minimizes the empirical prediction error (or empirical risk):
This learning paradigm of finding $h_S$ is called Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM).
ERM rule might lead to overfitting if not restricted. A predictor can performs well over the training set $S$ — having a low empirical error — but it can performs badly over the entire distribution $\dist{D}$ with an high prediction error. A solution is to apply ERM over a restricted search space. We denote with $\HSet$ the hypothesis class of the possible predictors $h\in{HSet}:\XSet\rightarrow\YSet$. For a given class $\HSet$ and a training sample $S$, the $ERM_\HSet$ learner uses the ERM rule to choose a predictor $h_S\in\HSet$ with the lowest possible empirical error over $S$:
We induce an inductive bias introducing restrictions over $\HSet$. Intuitively, choosing a more restricted hypothesis class better protect us against overfitting but at the same time might cause a stronger bias.
Finite hypothesis classes
The simplest kind of restriction on $\HSet$ is imposing an upper bound on its dimension. We make the two following assumptions:
(Realizability assumption). .
(i.i.d. examples). $S\sim\dist{D}^m$, with $m=|S|$ and $\dist{D}^m$ the probability over $m$-tuples induced by applying $\dist{D}$ to pick each element of the tuple independently from the others elements of the same tuple.
$L_{(\dist{D},f)}(h_S)$ depends on the choice of $S$, that is a random variable. To address the probability to sample $S$ such that the prediction error is not too large, we denote with $\delta$ the probability of getting a nonrepresentative sample, and $(1-\delta)$ the confidence parameter of the prediction. Furthermore we introduce the accuracy parameter $\varepsilon$ of the quality of the prediction. $L_{(\dist{D},f)}(h_S)>\varepsilon$ represents a failure of the learner. We are interested in upper bounding the probability to sample $m$-tuple that lead to the learner failure. If are instances of the training set, we want to upper bound It is possible to prove that for a finite hypothesis class $\HSet$: and for $m$ an integer that satisfies then for any $f$ and $\dist{D}$, with probability at least $1-\sigma$, for every $h_S$ holds: This means that for sufficiently large $m$, the $ERM_\HSet$ rule over a finite hypothesis class will be probably (with confidence $1-\delta$) approximately (up to an error $\varepsilon$) correct.
PAC learning
A hypothesis class $\HSet$ is Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learnable if there exist a function $m_\HSet:(0,1)^2\rightarrow\NSet$ and a learning algorithm with the following property: for every $\varepsilon,\sigma\in(0,1)$, for every $\dist{D}$ and $f$, if realizability assumption holds, then when running the algorithm on $m\geq m_\HSet(\varepsilon,\sigma)$ i.i.d. examples, it returns a hypothesis $h$ such that $L_{(\dist{D},f)}(h)\leq\varepsilon$, with probability of at least $1-\sigma$ over the choice of the examples.
The function $m_\HSet$ determines the sample complexity of learning $\HSet$, that is the number of samples to guarantee a PAC solution. The finite hypothesis class of is PAC learnable with sample complexity
Agnostic PAC learning
To develop a more realistic model, we relax the realizability assumption and we substitute the notion of $\dist{D}$ over $\XSet$ and $f:\XSet\rightarrow\YSet$ with a single data generating distribution. From now, $\dist{D}$ is defined as a probability distribution over $\XSet\times\YSet$, and can be seen as being composed by a marginal distribution $\dist{D}_x$ over $\XSet$ and a conditional probability $\dist{D}((\vect{x},\vect{y})|\vect{x})$ over label for each example. The true error \eqref{predictionError} is redefined as:
while the empirical error \eqref{empiricalError} remains the same.
We introduce the concept of loss function as a function $\loss:\HSet\times(\XSet\times\YSet)\rightarrow\RSet^+$, and the true and empirical risks are defined in term of $\loss$ as:
Two common losses are:
0-1 loss
Square loss
Is it possible now to define the concept of agnostic PAC learnability.
A hypothesis class $\HSet$ is agnostic PAC learnable, respect $(\XSet\times\YSet)$ and $\loss$, if there exist a function $m_\HSet:(0,1)^2\rightarrow\NSet$ and a learning algorithm with the following property: for every $\varepsilon,\delta\in(0,1)$ and for every $\dist{D}$, when running the algorithm on $m\geq m_\HSet(\varepsilon,\delta)$ i.i.d. examples, it returns $h$ such that $L_\dist{D}(h)\leq\min_{h’\in\HSet}L_\dist{D}(h’)+\varepsilon$.
Contrarily to PAC learnability, Agnostic PAC learnability cannot guarantee an arbitrarily small error. It still guarantee that a learner can have success if its error is not too much larger than the one of the best achievable predictor for class $\HSet$.
ERM learning paradigm works by finding an hypothesis that minimize the empirical risk. This means that an $h$ that minimizes the empirical risk needs to be a good true risk minimizer also. We need that uniformly over all hypothesis, the empirical risk needs to be close to the real risk. To asses this we introduce the concept of $\varepsilon$-representative sample:
($\varepsilon$-representative sample). A training set $S$ is called $\varepsilon$-representative with regard to $\HSet$, $\loss$, and $\dist{D}$, if
It is possible to prove that if the sample is $\frac{\varepsilon}{2}$-representative, then the ERM learning rule is guaranteed to return a good hypothesis. Formally:
Assuming $S$ is $\frac{\varepsilon}{2}$-representative, then any output $ERM_\HSet(S)=h_S\in\argmin_{h\in\HSet}L_S(h)$ satisfy:
To ensure that the ERM rule is an agnostic PAC learner, it suffices to show that with probability of at least $1-\delta$ over the choice of $S$, it will be an $\varepsilon$-representative training set. Formally, given the property:
(Uniform Convergence). $\HSet$ has the uniform convergence property if there exists a function $m_\HSet^{UC}:(0,1)^2\rightarrow\NSet$ such that for every $\varepsilon,\delta\in(0,1)$ and for every $\dist{D}$, if $S$ is a sample of $m\geq m_\HSet^{UC}(\varepsilon,\delta)$ examples drawn i.i.d. from $\dist{D}$, then $S$ is $\varepsilon$-representative with probability of at least $1-\delta$.
We have the corollary:
If a class $\HSet$ has the uniform convergence property, then the class is agnostically PAC learnable with sample complexity $m_\HSet(\varepsilon,\delta)\leq m_\HSet^{UC}(\varepsilon/2,\delta)$. In that case the $ERM_\HSet$ paradigm is a successful agnostic PAC learner for $\HSet$.
It is possible to prove (we skip the proof here) that the uniform convergence holds for a finite hypothesis class, and then that every finite hypothesis class is agnostic PAC learnable using ERM algorithm with sample complexity
Bias-complexity trade-off
Choosing a hypothesis class $\HSet$ represents a prior knowledge related to the data distribution $\dist{D}$. One can argue if this prior knowledge is really necessary, or if it is possible to have a learning algorithm $A$ and a size $m$ such that for every $\dist{D}$, if $A$ receives $m$ i.i.d. samples from $\dist{D}$, it outputs a predictor $h$ that have a low risk with high chance. The no-free-lunch theorem proves that having such a universal learner is impossible:
One can avoid the limits imposed by the no-free-lunch theorem using the prior knowledge of the learning task to restrict the hypothesis class $\HSet$. To choose a good hypothesis class we need to set a large enough class such that it includes the hypothesis with no error (for PAC learnability), or at least that the smallest error achievable by a hypothesis from the class is small enough (for agnostic PAC learnability). On the other hand we cannot choose the richest class. We can decompose the error of an $ERM_\HSet$ hypothesis $h_S$ into the component: where is the approximation error that measures how much inductive bias we introduce restricting $\HSet$ and do not depends on the sample size. is the estimation error that depends on the training set size and on the complexity of $\HSet$.
To minimize the total risk, we face a bias-complexity tradeoff. Choosing $\HSet$ to be rich, decreases the approximation error, but increases the estimation error because it may lead to overfitting. Choosing a small $\HSet$ reduces the estimation error, but can increases the approximation error, in other words it might lead to underfitting.
The finitess of $\HSet$ is a sufficient condition for learnability, but it is not a necessary condition. A property called Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension (VC-dimension) gives a correct characterization of learnability. Considering only binary classifiers where $\YSet={0,1}$, to define VC-dimension, we must define before the concept of class restriction and shattering:
(Restriction of $\HSet$ to $C$). $\HSet$ is a class of function $h:\XSet\rightarrow{0,1}$, and $C={c_1,\dots,c_m}\subset\XSet$. The restriction of $\HSet$ to $C$ is the set of function from $C$ to ${0,1}$ that can be derived from $\HSet$: where each function is represented as a vector in ${0,1}^{|C|}$.
(Shattering). A hypothesis class $\HSet$ shatters a finite set $C\subset\XSet$, if $\HSet_C$ is the set of all functions from $C$ to ${0,1}$:
Relating to the free-lunch-theorem, whenever some set $C$ is shattered by $\HSet$, an adversary can construct a distribution over $C$ based on any function from $C$ to ${0,1}$ maintaining the realizability assumption. Thus, for any learning algorithm $A$ there exist a distribution $\dist{D}$ and a predictor $h$ (both constructed from an adversary) such that $L_D(h)=0$, but with a sufficiently high probability over the choice of $S$, $L_\dist{D}(A(S))\geq\varepsilon$. The VC-dimension is defined:
(VC-dimension). The VC-dimension $VCdim(\HSet)$ of an hypothesis class $\HSet$, is the maximal size of a set $C\subset\XSet$ that can be shattered by $\HSet$. If $\HSet$ can shatter arbitrarily large sets, then $VCdim(\HSet)=\infty$.
If a certain hypothesis class $\HSet$ has infinite VC-dimension, then $\HSet$ is not PAC learnable. Conversely, a finite VC-dimension guarantees learnability. To prove that $VCdim(\HSet)=d$ is finite, we need to show
such that and it is shattered by ;
such that , $C$ is not shattered by .
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM)
Until now the prior knowledge was encoded specifying a hypothesis class $\HSet$ that is believed to include a good predictor for the learning task. Another way to express the prior knowledge is by specifying preferences over hypotheses within $\HSet$. The Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) implement this assuming $\HSet=\bigcup_{n\in\NSet}\HSet_n$ and defining a weight function $w:\NSet\rightarrow[0,1]$ that assign a preference for each class $\HSet_n$. SRM rule follows a bound minimization approach. The goal is to find a hypothesis that minimizes a certain upper bound on the true risk.